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In another case of you can’t always believe what you read on the Internet we’ve got some great news for readers with coeliac disease and other gluten-related disorders who can’t function without their morning coffee.

At the 15th International Coeliac Disease Symposium held in Chicago in 2013, coeliac disease expert Dr Stefano Guandalini confirmed that coffee is completely safe for those suffering gluten-related disorders.

Dr Guandalini told attendees that there was absolutely no evidence and no new research to support recent claims that a protein in coffee can cross-react with gluten antibodies making it harmful to people with coeliac or non-coeliac gluten sensitivity. So it’s ok to wake up and smell the coffee.

Coffee and Coeliac Disease first appeared in Australian Gluten-Free Life Issue One as Drink Up! If you missed out on this great edition you can purchase a back issue here.
